Fluorescence and quenching of O2(1Δg) and [O2(1Δg)]2 in liquid oxygen

Liquid oxygen, oxygen/nitrogen, and oxygen/argon mixtures were excited by 1.060 μ radiation from a Nd:glass laser. The fluorescence decay was monitored at 6340 Å, 7030 Å, 1.27 μ, and 1.58μ. The quenching rate coefficient of O2(a 1Δg) by O2(X 3Σg) was found to be 1.0±0.1×10−18 cm3/sec at 77°K. The temperature variation between 77 and 322°K is consistent with 2.2×10−18 (T/300)1/2 cm3/sec. Quenching by N2 and argon was at least an order of magnitude slower. In every case the decay of [O2(1Δg)]2 was twice as fast as that of O2(1Δg) alone, indicating that even at liquid nitrogen temperature [O2(1Δg)]2 is in rapid collisional equilibrium with O2(1Δg).

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