Patient Acceptance of CT Colonography and Conventional Colonoscopy: Prospective Comparative Study in Patients with or Suspected of Having Colorectal Disease

To prospectively evaluate, by means of self-assessed questionnaires, patient acceptance of computed tomographic (CT) colonography compared with that of conventional colonoscopy, when performed in patients with or suspected of having colorectal disease. One hundred eleven patients underwent CT colonography followed immediately by conventional colonoscopy. Patient acceptance was evaluated with questionnaires, and the proportions of patients who favored one examination were compared. The main variables were overall impression, discomfort during air filling or instrumentation, and perceived pain, evaluated by using ordered verbal descriptor scales after each examination. The preference for either examination was evaluated after completion of both examinations. Of the 68 patients who favored one examination, 56 (82%) preferred CT colonography (P <.00001). Concerning overall impression of problems or discomfort in connection with the examination, 49 (69%) of 71 with a preference considered colonoscopy to be more difficult (P =.002). CT colonography was regarded as "not painful" by 62 (57%) of 108 patients compared with 28 (26%) for colonoscopy, and a larger proportion of patients rated pain as higher during colonoscopy than during CT colonography (95% CI: 30%, 56%). Discomfort from air filling of the colon was the major complaint about CT colonography. CT colonography was considered less painful and less difficult overall than colonoscopy and was the preferred examination.