Leg muscles of adult rats were stimulated chronically at a low-frequency, and the histochemical reactions of various enzymes (succinic dehydrogenase, mitochondrial α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, phosphorylase, alkali-ATPase and acid-ATPase), capillary density, resistance to fatigue, and contractile properties were studied. Following stimulation, the histochemical properties of muscle fibres in the fast extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles became similar to those of the majority of fibres in the slow soleus muscle. In the soleus muscle, the histochemical properties of the few fast type fibres became similar to the majority of ‘slow’ fibres so that its fibre composition was homogeneously ‘slow’. The stimulated fast muscles also had higher capillary density and were more resistant to fatigue than normal. Despite the prolonged stimulation, the twitch duration of the fast muscles was little changed. This result differs from the findings obtained previously for the rabbit and cat, which show that slowing of contraction can be achieved by low-frequency activity of similar duration. Thus it may be that there is a species difference regarding the readiness with which the transformation of fast to slow muscles can be brought about.