Five subgroups, showing different adaptive patterns on repeated massed measurement of duration of figural (FAE) and spiral (SAE) aftereffects, are compared with respect to their adaptive patterns in a conflicting and habit-interfering situation, defined by a “serial” version of a colour-word test (CWT). Classification of aftereffect subgroups is based on parameters derived from duration of initial aftereffect and from linear change of duration of aftereffect during 10 trials. An attempt is made towards an inclusive description of variations in CWT behaviour. Thus, CWT clusters simultaneously denote features of initial performance level of subtests; consecutive change of within-subtest performance for five subtests; and finally, consecutive (linear and non-linear) change of performance within first three subtests. CWT clusters correlating with the different aftereffect subgroups are interpreted as being indicative of the degree of liability to neurotic behaviour and of variations in behaviour intensities.