Study of Antibacterial Activity and Bacteriology of Latex from Asclepias syriaca L

Whole and fractionated latex of Asclepias syriaca was tested for antimicrobial or growth-promoting activity with 16 genera and species of bacteria. Latex and extracted fractions (distilled water, acetic acid, sodium bicarbonate, sulfuric acid, and ethyl ether) possessed no detectable antimicrobial activity. Comparison of growth curves of selected bacteria incubated with serum and rubber fractions, as well as controls, revealed no detectable inhibition of growth, except for a slight inhibitory response to autoclaved serum. Most bacteria were capable of utilizing latex for a substrate as indicated by the increased growth rate in the exponential phase. The stationary phase was entered simultaneously by both the treated cultures and the controls. Various bacteria cultured in a litmus latex mixture yielded populations which ranged from 4 organisms/ml for Lactobacillus casei, Staphylococcus aureus and Micrococcus lysodeikticus to 1.1 × 10 10 organisms/ml for Clostridium acetobutylicum . Whole latex, as well as the serum and rubber fractions, support the growth of various bacteria, but under field conditions there is no evidence for systemic infection of this type of cell by bacteria.