Undernutrition in early life: Lasting effects on activity and social behavior of male and female rats

The growth-retarded offspring of mother rats undernourished throughout pregnancy and lactation were fed ad libitum from weaning. Males were tested at 100 days of age, and ovariectomized females at 150 days. After 2 weeks of isolation, pairs of males consisting of 1 control C and 1 previously undernourished PU rat were observed for 10 min on each of 9 consecutive days. Similarly paired and treated female rats were tested a total of 8 times, the first 3 tests being separated from the last 5 by a 10-day interval. The PU rats, whether male or female, performed more rearing responses and PU male rats ambulated more in the social situation than C rats. The PU males also performed more of the social responses allogroom, walk over, and mount than C males. Similarly, PU females performed more allogroom and crawl under than C females. In general, PU rats were more active than C rats and more socially responsive.