Isolation of Marek's disease virus DNA from infected cells by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels

Marek's disease virus DNA isolated from the nuclear fraction of infected chicken embryo fibroblasts and sucrose-purified particles was electrophoresed on 3 per cent polyacrylamide gels and was compared in its electrophoretical behaviour with isolated pseudorabies and herpes simplex DNA, strain HF. The DNA molecules eluted from the gel were identified by their sedimentation coefficient (53–55S) and buoyant density (1.707 g/ml) to be of viral origin. MDV DNA molecules were electrophoretically also detected and identified in DNA preparations of the lymphoblastoid Marek's disease tumour cell line MSB-1 which therefore has to be considered as a producer line. The electrophoresis of DNA preparations from Marek's disease virus-infected cells on polyacrylamide gels provides a semipreparative method for the isolation of MDV DNA.