Phenotypic and Ribosomal RNA Characterization of Arcobacter Species Isolated from Porcine Aborted Fetuses

Aerotolerant organisms resembling Campylobacter, now designated as Arcobacter, have been described from aborted farm animals and from cases of human enteritis worldwide. The goals of this study were 1) to attempt to recover Arcobacter spp. from cases of porcine abortion, 2) to characterize these isolates by phenotype and ribotype, and 3) to compare the usefulness of ribotype and phenotype patterns for identifying Arcobacter butzleri and the DNA hybridization groups 1A and 1B of A. cryaerophilus. Isolates of Arcobacter spp. from North Carolina and Iowa were recovered from porcine tissues. In Iowa, Arcobacter spp. were recovered from 43% (13/30) of porcine abortion cases evaluated. Isolations were made from placenta (44%), kidney (44%), and stomach contents (12%), which were the only tissues examined. The most reliable biochemical tests for A. butzleri included growth in 1% glycine and in 1.5% NaCl, weak catalase activity, and resistance to cadmium chloride. Arcobacter cryaerophilus strains were characterized by strong catalase activity and sensitivity to cadmium chloride. The DNA hybridization groups 1A and 1B of A. cryaerophilus could not be distinguished by biochemical tests. This represents the first description of A. cryaerophilus DNA group 1A in animals within the United States.