The function of macrophages in antigen recognition by guinea pig T lymphocytes. III. Genetic analysis of the antigens mediating macrophage-T lymphocyte interaction.
Activation of immune T lymphocytes by antigen-pulsed macrophages is mediated by the Ia antigens of the guinea pig MHC or the products of closely linked genes. Studies using combinations of macrophages and T cells derived from outbred animals with different Ia antigens and/or Ir gene products have demonstrated that sharing of Ir gene products between macrophage and T cells is not sufficient for effective macrophage-T cell interaction. The role of the Ia antigens in the absence of the linked Ir gene products could not be directly examined because we were unable to identify an animal which bore the full complement of Ia antigens in the absence of the Ir gene that is normally associated with them. The results of these studies support the concept of the functional expression of the Ir gene product in the macrophage.