Cell Populations Associated with Conversion from Bleeding to Nonbleeding Gingiva

The purpose of this study was to observe changes in cell populations of the interdental gingival tissue, which accompanied the conversion of a bleeding to a nonbleeding state induced by scaling and improved oral hygiene. Fifteen bleeding and 18 stopped-bleeding interproximal gingival biopsies were obtained from 33 patients and processed for light microscopic evaluation. The morphometric analysis of eight connective tissue components revealed that the percentage volume density of all inflammatory cells decreased, and the percentage of fibroblasts and collagen increased, when the gingiva changed from a bleeding to a nonbleeding state. Furthermore, the inflammatory cell infiltrate in bleeding and stopped-bleeding specimens was dominated by mononuclear cells of the lymphocyte/macrophage/monocyte group, while plasma cells and polymorhonuclear leukocytes comprised only a small fraction of the inflammatory cells present. Significant repair of gingival connective tissue had occurred in the stopped-bleeding specimens.