1092 Channel 2-D Array Demultiplexer for Ultralarge Data Bandwidth

We demonstrate 1 times 1092 channel wavelength demultiplexing with 50-GHz channel pitch and a 600-nm total bandwidth. Outputs from 1 times 40 channel arrayed waveguide gratings operating with multiple orders enter a free-space optical grating demultiplexer which separates the orders into a 2-D spot array, where the light can be coupled into discrete output fibers or operated on by a surface normal device (i.e., microelectromechanical system switch or detector array). Supercontinuum source input from 1140 to 1750 nm produced a 28 times 39 spot array at the output plane. The insertion loss for light is coupled into a single mode fiber ranged from 7 to 18 dB with less than 10-dB loss in channels between 1300 and 1750 nm. Bit-error-rate measurements show a negligible 0.1-dB power penalty at 10 GB/s