Identification of Viridans Streptococci by Three Commercial Systems

The API 20S® (Analytab Products, Plainview, NY), the GPI® card (Vitek Systems, St. Louis, MO) and the RapSTR® system (Innovative Diagnostics, Atlanta, GA) were compared with conventional biochemicals for the identification of viridans streptococci. One hundred nine clinical isolates were tested that included the following species: intermedius (38) sanguis II (20), bovis (variant) (14), mitis (14), salivarius (11), sanguis I (6), constellatus (3), mutans (2), and uberis (1). With initial testing, a correct species call was made with 72% of the isolates with the GPI card, 62% with the RapSTR, and 50% with the API 20S. Identifications of viridans streptococci group or those that needed additional biochemicals for species identifi-cation occurred with 28% of isolates with the API 20S, 8% with the RapSTR, and 9% with the GPI card. Incorrect identifica-tions occurred with 6% of the isolates tested by the GPI card, 20% with the API 20S, and 30% with the RapSTR. Most discrepancies with the RapSTR were with 66% of the interme-dius isolates, whereas most, 55%, of misidentifications with the API 20S were with sanguis II isolates. No identifications were made with 2% and 13% of isolates with the API 20S and GPI, respectively.