CO2 fixation in the nervous system.

The rate of CO2 fixation into toe intermediates of the citric acid cycle was measured in toe lobster nerve and toe effect of cations and drugs in toe suspending medium was examined. If the extent of CO2 incorporation is taken as a measure of toe rate of toe citric acid cycle, it becomes apparent that the changes in toe ionic flux through the nerve membranes produce a distinctive effect on toe energy metabolism of toe nerve. Citrate was isolated from lobster and rabbit nerves after incubation in C14-bicarbonate Ringer''s solution and the radioactivities of C-1 and C- 6 were measured. It was found that CO2 fixation occurred at toe oxalosuccinate and oxaloacetate levels. The biochemical significance of CO2 fixation, and especially the caxboxylation of [alpha]-ketoglutarate in nervous tissue, is discussed.