Depressed jejunal secretion of water and ions in response to prostaglandin E1 in adult celiac disease

In order to test in man the concept that intestinal fluid secretion originates from the crypts of Lieberkühn, we assessed the jejunal secretory effect of intraluminal prostaglandin E 1 (PGE 1 ) (0.9 μg/kg/min) in untreated adult celiac disease (ACD, N=7), treated ACD (N=4) and normal subjects using the intestinal perfusion technique. In untreated ACD (1) water and solutes were malabsorbed (or secreted) in the basal period; (2) fluid and ion secretion seen during PGE 1 infusion and net secretory effect of PGE 1 (difference in transport between basal and PGE 1 periods) were reduced (P 1 inhibition of sodium insorption, and stimulation of sodium exsorption, were decreased and abolished, respectively. In treated patients PGE 1 -induced secretion returned towards normal values. Our finding of a depressed secretory response to PGE 1 in the face of marked crypt hypertrophy do not support the concept that crypt cells are the major site of intestinal fluid secretion.