Excitation Functions of Bismuth and Lead

Cross sections for the reactions Bi209(He4, 2n)At211, Bi209(He4, 3n)At210, and Bi209(He4, 4n)At209 were measured with helium ions of energies from 20.6 to 43.3 Mev. Cross sections for the reactions Bi209(d, p)RaE, Bi209(d, n)Po210, Bi209(d, 2n)Po209, Bi209(d, 3n)Po208, and Pb208(d, p)Pb209 were measured with deuterons of energies from 6.3 to 21.5 Mev. Some information is presented on the Bi209(He4, t)Po210 reaction. A half-life of 7.23±0.04 hr was measured for At211. The Bi209(d, 3n)Po208 threshold energy is 12.0±0.3 Mev (center-of-mass system). The compound nucleus reaction cross sections are compared with the predictions of the Jackson model, and good agreement is obtained. The (d, n) and (d, p) stripping cross sections are discussed briefly.

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