Cromolyn Treatment of Asthma

Cromolyn sodium, a specific inhibitor of mediator release induced by antigen-antibody interaction, was studied for corticosteroid sparing effect and clinical usefulness in a double-blind double-crossover, and in a subsequent open trial in 30 corticosteroid-dependent adults with severe perennial asthma. Of 29 patients completing the trials, 19 had corticosteroid dose reduction while receiving cromolyn in the double-blind trial, and 22 had corticosteroid dose reduction in the open trial. Cromolyn was judged to be clinically useful for corticosteroid sparing effect or symptomatic improvement, however, in only ten patients. Corticosteroid sparing effect and clinical usefulness were noted in all types of asthmatics studied. One patient noted increased asthma following inhalation of either cromolyn or placebo and did not complete the trial; no adverse effects of cromolyn per se were noted.