Modified Small-Bowel Follow-through: Use of Methylcellulose to Improve Bowel Transradiance and Prepare Barium Suspension

To evaluate the efficacy of barium suspension prepared in methylcellulose (MC) in modified small-bowel follow-through (SBFT). The authors evaluated 155 patients who underwent modified SBFT with oral administration of MC after ingesting barium suspension. Of these patients, 52 received 40% suspension in MC, 46 received 40% suspension in water, and 57 received 70% suspension in water. Patients were divided into normal (n = 74) and abnormal (n = 81) groups according to the final results. The image quality, transit time to the cecum, and time to and frequency of flocculation were compared for both groups. In the normal group, the quality of the images in patients receiving 40% suspension in MC or 70% suspension in water was superior to that of images in patients receiving 40% suspension in water. In the abnormal group, the best image quality was achieved for the patients who received 40% suspension in MC. In the normal group, the difference in transit time between the three preparations was not substantial. In the abnormal group, however, the 40% suspension in MC showed the fastest transit time. Use of the 40% suspension in MC helped lower the frequency of flocculation in the normal group. Use of 40% barium suspension in MC is effective for improving the image quality in modified SBFT.