The significance of interactions in practical sheep breeding in northern Europe
- 1 January 1983
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Elsevier in Livestock Production Science
- Vol. 10 (1) , 39-48
No abstract availableThis publication has 13 references indexed in Scilit:
- Habituation to cold in four breeds of sheepJournal of Thermal Biology, 1983
- An evaluation of performance-testing of rams using artificial rearingAnimal Science, 1978
- The retention of cold acclimatization in sheepAnimal Science, 1974
- Lamb survival, growth and fleece production in relation to birthcoat type among Welsh Mountain sheepAnimal Science, 1967
- Genetic parameters of growth between birth and sixteen weeks in Down Cross SheepAnimal Science, 1966
- Progeny testing of Suffolk rams on three maternal breedsAnimal Science, 1964
- Heterosis in crossbred hill sheepAnimal Science, 1963
- A study of the milk yield of three strains of Scottish Blackface ewes in two environmentsAnimal Science, 1962
- Genotype-environment interactions in the wintering of lambsThe Journal of Agricultural Science, 1959
- A study of three breeds of sheep wintered in four environmentsThe Journal of Agricultural Science, 1955