The Experimental Production of Antibodies to Staphylocoagulase

Summary: The antigenicity of staphylocoagulase for rabbits has been investigated by immunization with highly purified, though not homogeneous, material. Particularly with the aid of staphylococcal alpha hemolysin, enhanced neutralizing capacity against coagulase has been demonstrated in the blood, both by dilution of coagulase reacting against constant plasma, and by constant coagulase reacting with serial dilutions of serum. Complement fixing antibodies appeared in the test animals, but not in controls, but precipitative tests remained inconclusive. Positive collodion particle agglutination occurred, and its specificity was supported by the consistently negative findings in control animals and especially by the specific adsorbtion of neutralizing bodies from the serum by the coagulase-coated collodion particles of rabbits exhibiting positive agglutination, but not by negative test animals or controls. The coagulase reacting factor was not significantly influenced by the immunization. Evidence is presented that besides specific antibodies, non-specific inhibitors may exist.