Anomalous behavior of reverse leakage currents in liquid phase epitaxial HgCdTe photodiodes with 10 MeV electron irradiations

We have observed an anomalous behavior of reverse-bias leakage current in Hg1−xCdxTe n+-on-p photodiodes at 77 K as a function of total 10 MeV electron dose. For ZnS/SiO2 passivated planar configurations of photodiodes with 0.25<x<0.5, the leakage current increases superlinearly with increasing total dose greater than 10 krad, saturates at doses between 100 and 200 krad, followed by a dramatic recovery that is sometimes complete to near-preradiation values. For x≂0.2, very little or no recovery is observed. The effects of 60CO gamma irradiation are nearly identical.