On the calibration of plane-parallel ionization chambers for electron beam dosimetry

The procedure recommended by different dosimetry protocols for the determination of the absorbed dose to air chamber factor, ND,pp, of plane-parallel chambers, comparing absorbed dose determinations in a high-energy electron beam with a reference cylindrical chamber having a known ND,cyl factor, has been investigated. Attention has been focused on the case that the chamber serving as reference has a solid aluminium central electrode. It has been found that using a wide spread Farmer-type chamber (NE 2571), together with recommendations which specifically take into account central electrode corrections for electron beam dosimetry, kcelpcel = pcel-global(IAEA) = 1.008, yields inconsistent results compared with those obtained from a fully homogeneous ionization chamber; for the NE 2571 chamber, a value kcelpcel = pcel-global(IAEA) congruent to 1.0 has been obtained. Analytical calculations of kmkatt for Farmer-type cylindrical chambers and experimental determinations of the product kmkattkcelpcel in electron beams agree within experimental uncertainties, with no evidence of statistical significance for the commonly used assumption pcel = 1, which yields a 0.8% correction (due to kcel only) for the effect of the NE 2571 aluminium electrode in electron beam dosimetry. The use of a 'NACP-chamber' specific factor (kpp or kmkatt) to obtain ND,pp from NK,pp in NACP plane-parallel chambers has been found unsatisfactory, and direct experimental determinations of ND,pp are recommended instead. It is suggested that Standard Dosimetry Laboratories provide ND,pp calibration factors in 60Co beams.