The results of tympanoplasty combined with modified radical mastoidectomy in the same stage on 266 discharging ears was assessed by various criteria. Prior to the operation 9% of the cases had social hearing, 3-9 months after 47%. The air-bone gap closed to within 0-15 dB in 37% of the cases, within 0-30 dB in 77%. A hearing gain exceeding 10 dB was obtained in 66%. Perforation recurred in 14% of the cases, and 8 ears could not be rendered dry. The results in cholesteatoma were found to be the same as in chronic granulating otitis. The results were identical in cases where the bridge was preserved and in cases where it was removed. There was no major difference between the various types of tympanoplasty with respect to the magnitude of the hearing gain, but the mean postoperative hearing was considerably better after type I—III than after type IV tympanoplasty. The most successful ossiculoplasty proved to be interposition of bone and incus, least successful with interposition of polyethylene. The results in the discharging ears were compared with those in dry ears and were found to be appreciably better in the latter.

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