Hypoaldosteronism accompanied by normal or elevated mineralocorticosteroid pathway steroid: a marker of adrenal carcinoma.

In order to find a biochemical marker to assist the physician in the difficult differential diagnosis between malignant and nonmalignant adrenal tumors, plasma levels of the mineralocorticosteroids (deoxycorticosterone, 18-hydroxydeoxycorticosterone, corticosterone, 18-hydroxycorticosterone, and aldosterone) were determined. The same method (RIA which is preceded by a crucial separation step) was used to measure all these steroids including aldosterone. The subjects included 15 adults presenting various clinical signs of adrenocortical tumors (histopathologically: 6 with adrenal carcinoma, 1 with a history of adrenal carcinoma, 1 with adrenal metastasis from other forms of cancer, 6 with adenoma, and 1 with hyperplasia). The results show that both presurgery and during a recurrence of adrenal carcinoma, hypoaldosteronism occurs which contrasts with the normal or even elevated levels of some aldosterone precursors. In the 7 cases of adrenal cortical carcinoma, this dysfunction of the aldosterone pathway was detected regardless of the impairment of the other steroidogenesis pathways, whereas it was never found with a nonmalignant tumor. Despite the limited number of cases so far available, these findings suggest that detection of abnormalities of the aldosterone pathway, and particularly the detection of hypoaldosteronism by an assay method involving a crucial steroid separating step, could contribute to a differential diagnosis between benign and malignant adrenocortical tumor and between adrenal metastasis and other forms of cancer.

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