Relationships Between Lung Computed Tomographic Density, Gas Exchange, and PEEP in Acute Respiratory Failure

Twenty-two patients with acute respiratory failure underwent lung computed tomography (CT) and physiological measurements at 5, 10, and 15 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to investigate the relationship between morphology and function. Lung densities were primarily concentrated in the dependent regions. From the frequency distribution of CT numbers (difference in x-ray attenuation between water and lung) and lung gas volume measurements the authors obtained a quantitative estimate of normally inflated, poorly inflated, and non-inflated lung tissue weight. This estimated average lung weight was increased twofold above normal and excess lung weight correlated with the mean pulmonary artery pressure (P < 0.01). Venous admixture correlated with the non-inflated tissue mass (P < 0.01). Increasing PEEP caused progressive clearing of radiographic densities and increased the mass of normally inflated tissue (anatomic recruitment), while reducing venous admixture. The cardiac index decreased after increasing PEEP while oxygen delivery was unchanged. The authors conclude that CT scan lung density and oxygen exchange efficiency are correlated; the main effect of augmenting PEEP is to recruit perfused alveolar units that were previously collapsed.