Web-building spiders (Araneae; Theridiidae, Linyphiidae, Araneidae) are catagorized as searchers because they devote a large amount of energy to the construction of the web which constitutes the search phase in the foraging sequence. In this study search energy is equated with the density of threads in a web and the effectiveness of a variety of webs in three broad catagories (tangle webs, sheet webs & orb webs) is tested in the light of current foraging theory. Within each web type there is a distinct thread density at which the number of approaching Drosophila (Diptera; Drosophilidae) that are captured is maximized (Figs. 1, 2, 3). That maximum results from a combination of factors that are a function of the density of threads in the web. The visibility of the web to an approaching Drosophila increases which acts to decrease the number of flies that enter the web (Tables 2, 3, 4). The ability of the web to detain a Drosophila that contacts it (capture efficiency) increases to an asymptote as a function of thread density (Fig. 4). These data support an assumption of many optimal foraging models that with increasing investment in search the predator receives a diminishing return. More Drosophila intercept orb webs than intercept sheet or tangle webs. In addition orb webs detain a greater proportion of the flies that contact them (Fig. 4). Sheet webs are intermediate between orb and tangle webs in their relative abilities to contact and detain Drosophila.