Concentration Profiles of Deep Levels Induced by Gold Diffusion in Silicon

The concentration profiles of the deep levels (E c-0.54 eV, E c-0.24 eV, E c-0.30 eV and E c-0.16 eV) induced by gold diffusion at 1150° C for 6 h were measured by the deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) method. The profile of E c-0.54 eV agreed well with that of total gold atoms measured by neutron activation analysis. The shape of the profile of E c-0.24 eV is very similar to that of E c-0.54 eV, and the concentration ratio of E c-0.24 eV to E c-0.54 eV is nearly constant at 0.12 from the surface to the inner part. Whether the level of E c-0.16 eV is observed or not, depends on the fabrication of the Schottky diode for the DLTS measurement, and the shape of the profile of the observed E c-0.16 eV is similar to that of E c-0.54 eV. The profile of E c-0.30 eV is quite different from those of other levels, and the level concentration is nearly constant from the surface to the inner part.