The study was undertaken to determine whether the carrier state for hemolytic streptococci had been terminated and whether recovery from scarlet fever was complete at the time quarantine was lifted in accordance with the regulations of the state health dept. of Illinois. 163 scarlet fever patients from Cook Co. Contagious Disease Hospital were examined at the time of discharge and cultures of the nose and throat, urine examinations and sedimentation rates were made. Those with positive cultures for hemolytic streptococci or elevated sedimentation rates were asked to return for similar examinations at weekly intervals thereafter until the cultures became negative and the sedimentation rates normal. 65% of the patients still harbored hemolytic streptococci at the time of discharge and 72.2% had sedimentation rates above 20 mm. by the Westergren method. Of those returning, about 25% were still carriers at the end of 1 mo. following discharge and more than 50% still had elevated sedimentation rates. About 33% of the total complications[long dash]including 2 cases of rheumatic fever. one of nephritis and one of mastoiditis[long dash]were discovered after the patients left the hospital. It was concluded that termination of quarantine should be on the basis of negative cultures for hemolytic streptococci rather than at an arbitary time limit, and that all scarlet fever patients should be kept under strict surveillance until their cultures are negative and the sedimentation rate has returned to normal.