Identification as a process of incidental learning.

If identification is a process of incidental learning, Ss should reflect greater adoption of behavior of individuals with whom they feel identified. Nursery school children were placed with an experimental model whose behavior they were to observe in a learning situation (correct choice of 1 of 2 boxes in which a reward had been hidden). Prior to observation-learning, the children were placed with their "model" in 1 of 2 playroom situations: model friendly/model cold. Children exposed to the model behaving in a friendly way patterned their behavior (both as to discrimination in the learning situation as well as marching and verbal) to a greater extent than those exposed to a pre-test "cold" model. Aggressive behavior was imitated with or without model "warmth." Results related to child development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)