Neutron capture cross section ofTb159from 2.6 to 700 keV

The Tb159(n,γ) cross section was measured using a neutron time of flight facility. The average capture cross section was deduced from 2.6 to 700 keV and in combination with recently reported transmission results, was well fitted with energy independent strength functions. Resonance parameters for many of the observed peaks from 2.6 to 3.4 keV were determined by a nonlinear least squares fitting program. The γ-ray multiplicity for average capture was measured, giving the relatively low value, 2.45 ± 0.01 at 4 keV, implying a high proportion of two-step cascades. The fluctuations in the cross section about that computed from strength functions were analyzed. No significant nonrandom structure in the cross section was indicated.