Summary Acridine Orange in concentrations from 0.01% to 0.2% was added to the first fixative solution in order to stain vibratome sections and small blocks of the articular cartilage of 2 month old rats. The interterritorial matrix of the radial or deep zone (zone 3) was examined. It contained reaction products with different morphology depending on the specimens used. In vibratome sections filaments were seen arranged in a homogenous pattern and changing in size with the concentration of the dye: diluted solutions produced finer filaments than concentrated ones. In contrast, in tissue blocks the staining pattern was not altered by different concentrations of Acridine Orange. However, with increase of the distance from the surface of the specimens the size of the filaments gradually decreased and formed a finer network. Since after preincubation with chondroitin ABC lyase only minute reaction products remained, an interaction of the dye with the sulphated glycosaminoglycans of the proteoglycans in the articular cartilage is suggested. The experiments show that by using mainly monocationic monomers of Acridine Orange the proteoglycans can be stained in a more expanded state than with polycationic dye polymers.