Febrile Agglutinins in Narcotic Addicts

Sera from a group of narcotic addicts admitted for detoxification were tested with the standard battery of febrile agglutinins (typhoid O and H, paratyphoid A and B, Brucella, and Proteus OX19). The addicts' sera had higher titers than did an age- and sex-matched group of control specimens submitted to the Department of Health for serologic tests for syphilis. The titers in sera from addicts also were higher than those found in a group of sera submitted to the laboratory specifically for determination of febrile agglutinins. A different pattern of titers was observed. The sera from addicts reacted in a greater number of tests than did those in the two control groups. In two-thirds of the controls the peak titers occurred with typhoid O or H antigen, whereas for the addicts nearly half of the peak titers occurred with other antigens. Sera from addicts appear to have a broad, nonspecific reactivity to the standard febrile agglutinins. The interpretation of these results in such patients is difficult.

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