Natural Radioactivity of Rhenium

An attempt to confirm the reported K capture activity of Os187, using OsO4 mixed with argon as the counter gas, failed to reveal any activity corresponding to a half-life of less than 5×1011 years. This method assumed that any K capture in Os would be followed by the emission of Auger electrons which would be recorded. The sensitivity of the system to soft Auger electrons was demonstrated by using 34.0-day A37 which decays by K capture. Rhenium then was examined for beta-activity, Re187 being isobaric with Os187. An activity was found in two samples of different origin which resisted chemical purifications, including distillation of the perrhenic acid from concentrated sulfuric acid solution. The half-life appears to be 4±1×1012 years calculated for Re187 isotope, and the range is 3.5 mg of Al/cm2 corresponding to an upper energy limit of about 43 kev.