Sudden sensorineural hearing loss:

The results of transtympanic ECochG [electrocochleography] in 70 patients with sudden sensorineural deafness were presented. ECochG was compared with traditional methods of audiometry as a means of deciding whether the deafness was mainly cochlear or retrocochlear. It made a useful and sometimes unique contribution. ECochG gave a definite localization of the deafness in 22 of 23 patients in whom conventional methods of audiometry had produced equivocal results and was also extremely valuable in 17 patients with dead ears. Electrical stimulation of the cochlea may have a prognostic value in cases of sudden retrocochlear deafness. A rational approach to the treatment of sudden deafness depends on precise knowledge of the etiology and pathology: accurate localization of the site of the lesion is a convenient first step.

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