Selective binding of mouse and human spermatozoa to beads coated with extracellular matrix components

The ability of mouse epididymal and human ejaculated spermatozoa to bind to beads coated with various extracellular matrix components was examined. Mouse spermatozoa preferentially bound to beads coated with heparin (average values ranging between 6.2 and 8.8 sperm per bead were obtained in different experiments) and with chondroitinsulfate (6.2–7.0), and also, although with significant differences across replicate experiments, to beads coated with laminin (7.9–15.6 sperm per bead) and with collagen type I (6.1–18.5). Human spermatozoa bound to collagen‐coated beads (15.4–22.6 sperm per bead) and, to a much lower extent, to chondroitinsulfate‐coated beads (3.2–4.7); they were also able to bind heparin‐coated beads, although with ample differences between individual sperm donors (ranging between 0.8 and 18.7 sperm per bead). Very few human and mouse sperm bound fibronectin‐coated beads; beads coated with albumin, hyaluronic acid, and chondronectin were always totally free of adhering sperm. The possible physiological role of the interactions between spermatozoa and extracellular matrix components are discussed.