Decay ofAg108m

The decay of the long-lived isomer (>5 yr) of Ag108 has been investigated with scintillation and proportional-counter spectrometers employing coincidence techniques. Conversion-electron measurements with a high-transmission "orange"-type spectrometer and a high-resolution π2 double-focusing spectrometer together with gamma-gamma angular-correlation measurements served to establish the multipolarities of most of the observed transitions. Ag108m has been found to decay 8.5% of the time via a two-step isomeric cascade consisting of a 30.4-keV M4 transition followed by a 79.4-keV E1 transition. The remaining 91.5% of the decays proceed by an electron-capture transition to a 1770-keV level in Pd108. This level then decays to the ground state of Pd108 via a 722.7±1.0 keV, 613.9±0.6 keV, 433.6±0.5 keV triple gamma cascade. Two excited states at 79.4±0.5 and 109.8±0.5 keV are established in Ag108, with proposed spins and parities of 2- and 6+, respectively. The half-life of the 79-keV level has been shown to be ≤ 109 sec. The spins and parities of the 1770- and 1048-keV levels in Pd108 are assigned as 6+ (possibly 5+) and 4+, respectively.