Quantitative trait locus effects and environmental interaction in a sample of North American barley germ plasm

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) and QTL x environment (E) interaction effects for agronomic and malting quality traits were measured using a 123-point linkage map and multi-environment phenotype data from an F1-derived doubled haploid population of barley (Hordeum vulgare). The QTL × E interactions were due to differences in magnitude of QTL effects. Highly significant QTL effects were found for all traits at multiple sites in the genome. Yield QTL peaks and support intervals often coincided with plant height and lodging QTL peaks and support intervals. QTL were detected in the vicinity of a previously mapped Mendelian maturity locus and known function probes forα- andβ-amylase genes. The average map density (9.6 cM) should be adequate for molecular marker-assisted selection, particularly since there were few cases of alternative favorable alleles for different traits mapping to the same or adjacent intervals.