Electron-positron interaction in jellium

The problem of a positron in jellium is solved in an approach involving self-consistent perturbation of a Jastrow-type state. The merits of this approach are the following: (1) The one-electron wave functions are allowed to be nonorthogonal, (2) the formalism is indifferent with regard to uti- lizing the Pauli exclusion principle, and (3) numerical calculations are shorter by a factor of the order of 100 in comparison with other theories. The first two points are of special importance in view of the difficulties encountered both by the Kahana formalism and the approach of Lowy and Jackson. The screening cloud obtained in this work reproduces quite well the recent results of Rubaszek and Stachowiak, as do the partial annihilation rates. A comparison with the results of other theories and with experiment is also made.