Energy flux and osmoregulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown in chemostats under NaCl stress

The energetics and accumulation of solutes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated for cells grown aerobically in a chemostat under NaCl stress and glucose limitation. Changed energy requirements in relation to external salinity were examined by energy balance determinations performed by substrate and product analyses, with the latter including heat measurements by microcalorimetry. In both 0 and 0.9 M NaCl cultures, the catabolism was entirely respiratory at the lowest dilution rates tested but shifted to a mixed respiratory-fermentative metabolism at higher dilution rates. This shift occurred at a considerably lower dilution rate for salt-grown cells. The intracellular solute concentrations, as calculated on the basis of intracellular soluble space determinations, showed that the internal Na+ concentration increased from about 0.02 molal in basal medium to about 0.18 molal in 0.9 M NaCl medium, while intracellular K+ was maintained around 0.29 molal despite the variation in external salinity. The intracellular glycerol concentration increased from below 0.05 molal at low salinity to about 1.2 molal at 0.9 M NaCl. The concentrations of the internal solutes, however, changed insignificantly with growth rate and energy metabolism. The additional maintenance energy expenditure for growth at 0.9 M NaCl was, depending on the growth rate, 14 to 31% of the total energy requirement for growth at 0 M NaCl. Including the energy conserved in glycerol, the total additional energy demand for growth at 0.9 M NaCl corresponded to 28 to 51% of the energy required for growth at 0 M NaCl.