Plant Contamination by PCBs from Amended Soils

Plants accumulated PCBs (Aroclors) from soil amended with lake sediment contaminated with Aroclors 1248, 1254, and 1260. Uptake into different parts of vegetable plants was investigated in the field by growing beets (Beta vulgaris L.), turnips (Brassica rapa L.) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In beets and turnips, leaves accumulated larger concentrations of PCBs than the roots. In beans, leaves and pods contained higher concentrations than the stems, while only low concentrations were detected in the seeds. Bioaccumulation of Aroclors by plants was in the following order: Aroclor 1248 > 1254 > 1260. Relative to their concentration in the soil, the lower chlorinated PCB isomers which are more soluble in water and more volatile were more abundant in plants then the higher chlorinated isomers.