Tests for helix‐stabilizing interactions between various nonpolar side chains in alanine‐based peptides

Straight-chain, non-natural, nonpolar amino acids norleucine, norvaline, and α-amino-n-butyric acid at various spacings do not interact with themselves to stabilize helix formation in alanine-based peptides, but do interact with a Tyr spaced i, i + 4 to stabilize alanine helices, similar to the helix-stabilizing i, i + 4 Tyr-Leu and Tyr-Val interactions reported earlier (Padmanabhan S, Baldwin RL, 1994, J Mol Biol 241:706–713). Leu spaced i, i + 4 from another Leu is measurably helix-stabilizing relative to the corresponding i, i + 3 pair, but less so than for i, i + 4 Val-Leu, Ile-Leu, or Phe-Leu pairs (relative to the corresponding i, i + 3 pairs) when Leu is C-terminal to the other nonpolar amino acid. Our results indicate that limited side-chain flexibility in an α-helix strongly favors the interaction between 2 nonpolar residues to stabilize an isolated α-helix.