Audiovisual-based hypermedia authoring

International audienceIn this article we introduce the notion of audiovisualbased hypermedia authoring systems, i.e. systems mainly using documents from digital audiovisual (AV) archives as a source for hypermedia authoring. After showing that traditional hypermedia models are ill-designed for specific constraints implied by such systems, we propose a change of approach. We present a model based on formal structured representations of the content of documents as it is done in the field of structured documents. Since a specific mode1 for the representation of AV content is needed. we introduce Audiovisual Event Description Inter$ace (AEDI), which provides a model for the description of AV documents. and an XML-based syntax for the exchange of such descriptions. We describe AEDI's main concepts, how it can be related to a formal specification of the domain knowledge -called onrofogy - which allows efficient dynamic hyperlinking among elements. Finally, we describe the implementation of this mode1 for the production of AV based hypermedia at INA's production department

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