Some properties of the carbonmonoxyhemoglobin (HbCO) from chicken embryos of ages 5, 10 and 15 days of incubation, from 1‐day posthatching and from adult chickens have been investigated by chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose (CM‐cellulose) column and by starch gel electrophoresis. Chromatogram of the hemoglobin (Hb) from 5‐day chicken embryos has shown that it consists of at least 6 components. Starch gel electrophoresis of each isolated component from the column in phosphate (pH 6.8), in borate (pH 8.6) and in formate buffer (pH 1.9) has shown later that there are 3–4 embryonic type Hb components in 5‐day embryos. Chromatogram of the hemoglobin from adult chickens has shown that it consists of at least 4 components, but the examination of each isolated component from the column by electrophoresis in phosphate (pH 6.8), in borate (pH 8.6) and in formate buffer (pH 1.9) has shown that there are 4–6 adult type Hb components in adults. In ontogenic process, embryonic Hb type is detectable in embryos up to 15 days of incubation. Fetal Hb type, which is not detectable in adult chickens, can be first found in 10‐day embryos.