Onycholysis Associated with Weekly Administration of Paclitaxel

OBJECTIVE: To report an unusual reaction associated with weekly administration of paclitaxel. CASE SUMMARIES: Onycholysis was seen in four women with recurrent ovarian cancer being treated with low-dose, weekly paclitaxel. Two of the patients had previously received higher doses of paclitaxel on an every-three-week schedule without similar reactions. Onycholysis developed between weeks 10–13 of treatment in three of the patients. In the fourth patient, it developed shortly after initiation of weekly paclitaxel. None of the reactions required dose adjustments or discontinuation of therapy. Direct toxicity to the nail bed or inhibition of angiogenesis are possible mechanisms for this reaction. DISCUSSION: Onycholysis, separation of the nail from the nail bed, is an infrequent adverse effect of drug therapy. Antineoplastic drugs have previously been reported to cause onycholysis, pigmentation, bands, thickening or thinning of the nail bed, and nail shedding. Nail changes with the taxanes, primarily docetaxel, are reported in up to 30–40% of patients. Paclitaxel is not commonly associated with dermatologic reactions, although localized skin reactions and tissue necrosis have been reported. Nail changes, pigmentation or discoloration of the nail bed, occur in 2% of patients receiving paclitaxel. CONCLUSIONS: Onycholysis is an uncommon reaction that may occur in some patients receiving weekly, low-dose paclitaxel therapy. The reaction is not life-threatening and does not warrant discontinuation of therapy. However, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of this effect and be prepared to advise patients who develop signs of nail changes.