The sorption studies undertaken from 1977 to 1985 by Los Alamos National Laboratory in support of the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations project are summarized, and the data are tabulated in the Appendix. These studies of the sorptive behavior of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, area tuffs have been partly generic in nature (to understand the sorptive behavior of tuff as a function of many variables) and partly site specific (to obtain data for a possible repository site at Yucca Mountain). Sorption has been investigated as a function of mineralogy, temperature, particle size, waste-element concentration, water composition, sorption time, and other variables. The major elements studied were americium, cesium, neptunium, plutoniuim, thorium, uranium, strontium, technetium, tin, barium, radium, cerium, europium, and selenium. 24 refs., 2 figs., 10 tabs.

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