Each of SPF mice(Scl: ICR strain, 3-week-old males) was inoculated with 5 x 10(4) oocysts of Cryptosporidium by stomach tube. The oocysts were large type one which was previously isolated from Korean mice, and passaged in 3-week-old SPF mice. The patterns of oocyst discharge were monitored daily, and in order to observe the ultrastructure of developmental stages the stomach of the mice was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at 4 weeks post-inoculation. The prepatent period for 6 mice was 5.6 days post-inoculation on the average, and the patent period was 63.2 days. The number of oocysts discharged per day from the mice reached peak on day 36.6 post-inoculation on the average. A large number of oocysts were found in fecal samples obtained from inoculated mice on days 30-50 post-inoculation. C. muris was larger than C. parvum at almost every developmental stages, the size difference being 1.4 times in oocysts, 2.4 times in sporozoites, 1.6 times in merozoites, and 1.5 times in microgametes. The ultrastructural features of the attachment site of C. muris to the mucus cells were remarkably different from those of C. parvum and its closely related species. The anterior projection of the protozoa (C. muris), the outer aspect of which was surrounded by a thick filamentous process of the host cell, has not been reported at any developmental stages of C. parvum or its closely related species. The size of the oocysts of strain RN 66 was larger than that of Korean mice origin. The above results reveal that the large type Cryptosporidium of Korean mice origin is identified as Cryptosporidium muris and this type was named as C. muris (strain MCR).