A flow has been produced having effectively zero skin friction throughout its region of pressure rise, which extended for a distance of 3 ft. No fundamental difficulty was encountered in establishing the flow and it had, moreover, a good margin of stability. The dynamic head in the zero skin friction boundary layer was found to be linear at the wall (i.e. u ∞ y½), as predicted theoretically in the previous paper (Stratford 1959).The flow appears to achieve any specified pressure rise in the shortest possible distance and with probably the least possible dissipation of energy for a given initial boundary layer. Thus an aerofoil which could utilize it immediately after transition from laminar flow would be expected to have a very low drag. A design pressure distribution (besides having the usual safety margin against stall) should have a slightly more gradual start to the pressure rise than in the present experiment, as small errors close to the discontinuity can cause difficulty.