Experimental Models and Methods in Antibody Targeting of Renal Cell Carcinoma

Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is incurable and there are few treatment options that assure even a short prolongation in survival. It is the most common malignancy of the adult kidney and accounts for approximately 12,000 deaths per year (1). Due to a lack of diagnostic markers for early detection and the infrequency of notable symptoms early in the disease process, about one third of patients present with known metastatic disease. However, the staging of RCC is an inaccurate science and in 40% of those patients where a nephrectomy is the treatment choice for presumed organ-confined disease, metastases become evident within about 1 yr (2). For reasons that are poorly understood, metastatic RCC has remained relatively resistant to chemotherapy, biological response modifiers and cellular immunotherapy—although, glimpses of encouragement have appeared in numerous studies. These are discussed in great depth throughout the accompanying chapters.