Review/Synthèse: Triangular antiferromagnets

In this article we review the effects of magnetic frustation in the stacked triangular lattice. Frustration increases the degeneracy of the ground state, giving rise to different physics. In particular it leads to unique phase diagrams with multicritical points and novel critical phenomena. We describe the confrontation of theory and experiment for a number of systems with differing magnetic Hamiltonians; Heisenberg, Heisenberg with easy-axis anisotropy, Heisenberg with easy-plane anisotropy, Ising and singlet ground state. Interestingly each leads to different magnetic properties and phase diagrams. We also describe the effects of ferromagnetic, rather than antiferromagnetic, stacking and of small distortions of the triangular lattice.Comment: Review article, 36 pages, revtex, 19 figures in PS format, to appear in Can. J. Phy

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