As previously shown, sera from tumor‐bearing mice can induce specific antiserum‐dependent lymphoid cell‐mediated cytotoxicity (ADC) to syngeneic tumor cells in vitro. The ADC activity in such sera is now shown to be removed by adsorption of the sera to Sepharose‐linked rabbit anti‐mouse immunoglobulin or to goat anti‐mouse IgG2. Immunoglobulins recovered by elution from the affinity columns mediated ADC to the specific tumor cells. In addition, the eluted immunoglobulin passively “armed” normal lymph‐node cells in vivo so they were specifically cytotoxic when tested in vitro. Sera taken 48 h after inoculation of tumor or syngeneic tumor cells (before the appearance of palpable tumor) were also shown previously to induce lymphoid cell‐mediated cytotoxicity in vitro. This cytotoxic activity was not removed by adsorption of the sera to either anti‐IgG or anti‐IgM‐linked Sepharose. Thus both IgG and an early‐appearing serum component which is apparently neither IgG nor IgM can induce specific cell‐mediated cytotoxicity by non‐immune lymphoid cells in vitro.

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