Algebraic Tails of Probability Density Functions in the Random-Force-Driven Burgers Turbulence

The dynamics of velocity fluctuations governed by the Burgers equation, driven by the white-in-time random forcing function with [f(x+r,t)f(x,t)]2¯rξδ(tt) is considered on the interval 0<x<L. The properties of the probability density function of velocity differences P(Δu,r) are investigated for the three cases ξ={0;1/2;2}. It is shown that the tail of the probability density function in the interval Δu/rz1; |Δu|urms and rL is accurately described by the asymptotic algebraic relation P(Δu,r)r/(Δu)γ with γ=1+1/z, where z=(ξ+1)/3. A detailed numerical investigation, performed in this work, supports this result.